The Hundred Dresses I (5. The Hundred Dresses - I) CBSE class 10 English - First Flight Chapter 5. The Hundred Dresses - I summary with detailed explanation of the lesson The Hundred Dresses I along with meanings of difficult words. Given here is the complete explanation of the lesson, along with summary, explanation and questions and answers of each topic of lesson 5. The Hundred Dresses - I.
Thinking About The Text
3. Why does Maddie stand by and not do anything? How is she different from Peggy? (Was Peggy’s friendship important to Maddie? Why? Which lines in the text tell you this?)
Oral Comprehension Check [Page-65]
Oral Comprehension Check [Page-67]
Oral Comprehension Check [Page-70]
1. Why didn’t Maddie ask Peggie to stop teasing Wanda? What was she afraid of? |
2. Who did Maddie think would win the drawing contest? Why? |
3. Who won the drawing contest? What had the winner drawn? |
Thinking About The Text
Thinking About Language