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Lateral Thinking

Puzzles ➤ Lateral Thinking ➤ 2
Question 6
Q6.  Several voices were heard coming from the other room. There was a lot of commotion however when the room was checked there was only one person inside. This person's not crazy, so what's going on?
Question 7
Q7.  I was a hot Sunday afternoon and a woman was walking slowly through the savanna when she spotted a ferocious tiger in the distance. Instead of turning around or seeking refuge, the woman began to run towards the tiger. Why didn't she run away?
Question 8
Q8.  A girl leaves home and makes three left turns. She returns home again. On the way home she passes two girls with masks. Who were the two masked girls?
Question 9
Q9.  A boy is twelve-years-old on his second birthday. How is this possible?
Question 10
Q10.  A man walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a glass of water. The bartender pulls out a firearm and points it at the man. The man says thank you and walks out. Why did the bartender do this?
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