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Lateral Thinking

Puzzles ➤ Lateral Thinking ➤ 1
Question 6
Q6.  A woman had a pet goldfish which she loved very dearly.

One day she noticed that it was swimming feebly in its bowl and it looked very unwell. She rushed to the vet with her prized pet and he told her to come back in an hour.

When she returned she found the goldfish swimming strongly and looking healthy again.

How had the vet managed this?
Question 7
Q7.  Little Billy was four years old and both his parents were dead.

His guardian put him on a train to send him to a new home in the country. Billy could neither read nor write nor remember the address, so a large label on a string was secured around his neck clearly indicating Billy's name and destination. However, despite the best efforts and kindness of the railway staff, Billy never arrived at his new home. Why?
Question 8
Q8.  A woman walked up to a man behind a counter and handed him a book. He looked at it and said, "That will be four dollars."
She paid the man and then walked out without the book. He saw her leave without it but did not call her back. How come?
Question 9
Q9.  Two naturalists were walking in the country. They were both keen to protect the environment and to conserve nature and wildlife.

One said to the other, "I was impressed by the way that you hit that bird." The second replied, "Yes, it was good, but not as good as that large bird that you hit earlier."

What were they talking about?
Question 10
Q10.  A man was slowly counting but unfortunately he miscounted.

A little later he suffered a sharp pain in his back.

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