The Last Lesson (1. The Last Lesson) CBSE class 12 English Flamingo Chapter 1. The Last Lesson summary with detailed explanation of the lesson The Last Lesson along with meanings of difficult words. Given here is the complete explanation of the lesson, along with summary, explanation and questions and answers of each topic of lesson 1. The Last Lesson.
1. Write a notice for your school bulletin board. Your notice could be an announcement of a forthcoming event, or a requirement to be fulfilled, or a rule to be followed.
Notice these expressions in the text
Notice these expressions in the text. Infer their meanings from the context.
⚙ in great dread of ⚙ counted on ⚙ thumbed at the edges ⚙ in unison ⚙ a great bustle ⚙ reproach ourselves with |
Think As You Read
Understanding The Text
Talking About The Text
Working With Words
Noticing Form
Things to do