Resources And Development (1. Resources and Development) CBSE class 10 Geography : Contemporary India II Chapter 1. Resources and Development summary with detailed explanation of the lesson Resources And Development along with meanings of difficult words. Given here is the complete explanation of the lesson, along with summary, explanation and questions and answers of each topic of lesson 1. Resources and Development.
1. Multiple choice questions.
(i) Which one of the following type of resource is iron ore?
(a) Renewable
(b) Biotic
(c) Flow
(d) Non-renewable
(a) Replenishable
(b) Human-made
(c) Abiotic
(d) Non-recyclable
(a) Intensive cultivation
(b) Deforestation
(c) Over irrigation
(d) Overgrazing
(a) Punjab
(b) Plains of Uttar Pradesh
(c) Haryana
(d) Uttarakhand
(a) Jammu and Kashmir
(b) Gujarat
(c) Rajasthan
(d) Jharkhand